четвртак, 6. децембар 2012.

Hleb sa suvim smokvama / Dried Figs Bread

Skoro je ponoć. Cela kuća miriše na domaći hleb. Vadim ga iz rerne, još uvek se puši. Sestra ne može da odoli, kida okrajak i maže puter i domaći džem od breskve. Sledeće jutro. Tata se sprema za posao. Žuri. Pije kafu i seče jedno parče, pa još jedno, pa još dva, da ponese na posao. Zove me oko deset. Odličan ti je onaj kolač od jutros. Koji kolač, to je hleb. Ukusan je kao kolač, jeo bih ga svaki dan.

It's almost midnight. The whole house smells of homemade bread. I'm taking it out of the oven, it's still too warm. My sister can not wait, she tears a piece, thinks for a minute, butter and homemade peach jam, the perfect combo. Next morning. Dad's getting ready for work. He's in a hurry, he drinks coffee. He takes one slice, one more. Two more for take away. He calls me around 10. That cake from this morning, it's great. What cake, it's a bread. It tastes like a cake, I could eat it every day.

Ovaj recept sam pre nekoliko dana pronašla na blogu Palačinka i odmah mi je privukao pažnju. Kako sam tog dana u kući imala suve kajsije i orahe rešila sam da isprobam recept sa malim izmenama. Rezultat je bio fantastičan, hleb je nestao u roku od odmah :) Pre neko sam bila inspirisana za kuvanje pa sam isprobala i originalan recept. Izgleda da sam ga mesila sa više ljubavi, ispao je čak i bolje nego prvi put. Hrskava korica, mekan iznutra, suve smokve, odlična kombinacija. Čak je i danas, posle nekoliko dana, jednako mekan i ukusan. 

Going through some blogs, few days ago, I found this recipe. This great recipe for blog Palacinka, caught my intention right away. I've found dried apricots in my pantry and I decided to give it a try. It came out amazing and it was gone the same day. The other night I felt the need to cook and I've tried the original recipe. Seems like I've put more love to it this time, and it came out even better. Crispy from the outside, soft in the middle, dried figs, it doesn't get better. Even today, few days later, it's soft and tasty like it was made half an hour ago. 

Hleb sa suvim smokvama / Dried Figs Bread

Sastojci / Ingredients

500 gr oštrog brašna / 4 cups flour
300 ml mlake vode / 1 1/2 cups warm water
250 gr suvih smokava / 1 cup dried figs
1/2 kesice suvog kvasca / 2 tsp active dry yeast
maslinovo ulje / olive oil
so / salt 

Razmutite kvasac u mlakoj vodi. Dodajte so, maslinovo ulje i brašno. Zamesite kao klasično testo za hleb (ukoliko Vam se učini da je testo previše suvo ili previše vlažno, dodajte brašno ili vodu)  i dodajte iseckane suve smokve. Prebacite testo na radnu poršinu i mesite nekoliko minuta dok se smokve ne ukomponuju u testo. Vratite u nauljenu činiju ostavite da se testo odmori na sobnoj temperaturi 45-60 minuta. Premesite testo i oblikujte ga u veknu. Osavite još 30 minuta da naraste i zatim pecite na 180 stepeni dok korica ne dobije zlatno braon boju (nekih 45 minuta). Ukoliko možete da odolite, ostavite da se hleb ohladi i zatim secite na kriške i uživajte u omiljenim namazima. Ide odlično uz jutarnju kafu ili čaj. Za doručak ga namažite puterom i džemom, nutelom, čak i krem sirom.

In a bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add salt, olive oil and flour. You can mix it with a mixer with a dough hook attachment or just use your hands, it's more fun (if you have a feeling that the dough is too dry or too moist, feel free to add more flour or water). Add chopped dried figs and transfer the mixture to a floured counter-top. Knead the dough for a few minutes, until figs are nicely incorporated. Put the dough back to the oiled bowl and let it rest at a room temperature for 45-60 minutes. Knead the dough once more and shape it in form of a loaf. Cover it and let it rest for 30 more minutes. Bake in the preheated oven at 350 degrees until it gets golden brown (approximately 45 minutes). If you can resist, let it cool down, slice it and enjoy your favorite spreads. It goes great with the morning coffee or tea. For breakfast spread some butter and jam on it, Nutella or even cream cheese.

Do sledećeg posta, prijatno! Until the next post, bon appetit!   

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